Let us join hands to Save Mother Lanka
1970s we lived in fear due to the JVP
1980s For close to 30 yrs we lived in fear due to the Tamil Tigers
2009 A short reprieve and a taste of true freedom
But this was short lived ...
2016 Major political turmoil
2019 Another bombing - this time from a Muslim terror group
Are you seeing a pattern here ?
As practicing Buddhists we believe in Karma
WE are suffering
Why ?
Due to OUR bad Karma
So what is the solution ?
We need to create more GOOD Karma
So, how do we do that ?
Definitely not by spreading fear or hatred
Nor by blaming others
But by spreading Metta and taking a personal pledge to be a better person ...
So let us JOIN HANDS and focus on creating GOOD KARMA
Step 1
Take a PERSONAL PLEDGE to observe the 5 precepts
I will not kill
I will not steal
I will not misbehave sexually
I will not lie
I will avoid intoxicants
Step 2
There is a lot of scientific data that shows Chanting Pirith calms our brain.
Let us ALL Chant Pirith - every home, every Buddhist temple
7 pm - all over the world
Step 3
Spread Loving Kindness
Let us take 1 minute during the day to
Wish our selves well
Wish everyone in Sri Lanka well
And wish every living being in the world well
This is how we can Save Mother Lanka
Please Click here to join our efforts
Please take a moment to join our world wide effort to Unite our Communities
Here is a link to our Facebook page
Here are the 7 steps
Step 1 Take care of your self
Step 2 Pray/Meditate/Wish for Peace in your heart and World Peace
Step 3 Take a personal pledge to Respect Everyone, Love Everyone and Actively Listen to Everyone
Step 4 Learn how we are being divided
Step 5 Shut down the TV and Social media and start talking to one another
Step 6 Help someone (Volunteer)
Step 7 Have a conversation