We have
- FREE Education all the way to Post Graduate Level
- FREE and universal access to a great health care system
- A Culture of Caring and Giving - this is true whether you are a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or a Hindu
- Religious Tolerance
- Women are well educated and considered equal
- Water and a Fertile soil
- A Democratic form a governing
- And after 30 yrs a United Sri Lanka...
These did not happen spontaneously
These happened due to Good Progressive, Liberal Public Policies that were enacted by the previous political leaders
But last night I Cried
As a person who has lived the first half of my life in Sri Lanka and the rest in the US, I can see the dangers that are lurking ...
Please please please THINK before you ACT
Learning from the failed public policies of another Great Nation - the United States of America
Just now
- USA does not have Free education
- 50 million live in abject poverty - homeless, hungry and 50% of these are kids
- Every year, 20 to 45,000 die due to lack of health care
- The income disparity is immense - 80% of the population own only 7% of the national wealth
- Corporation and the extreme rich have literally bought the politicians - creating a mockery of true democracy
- Main Stream Media is owned by 5 large Corporation - hindering a proper dialogue in the Nation and Misleading them
This happened due to a set of Public Policies enacted about 30 yrs ago. And nobody seem to have the power to change them...
So how did the US get to this point ?
A minority was able to create a dialogue and a myth of "us vs them"
So the bottom 99% are fighting among them selves - rather than uniting and finding solutions together
Now it is so entrenched in the US that is almost impossible to bring these groups together. Without uniting them, all the above mentioned problems will keep getting worse.
Meanwhile the top 0.01% are doing whatever they want, without any hindrance from the "majority"
Creating policies that are literally killing the bottom 99%
The public policies that led to this situation in the USA is about to happen in Sri Lanka as well.
But together we CAN prevent it.
People are trying to Divide us according to our Political ideologies.
When that happens you stop seeing the big picture and start making wrong decisions.
People are trying to Divide us according to our Political ideologies.
When that happens you stop seeing the big picture and start making wrong decisions.
Please be very mindful of what is happening ...
The Science behind this divide
Did you know that we are born with certain ideological traits ?
We either have Liberal (SLFP) Traits
Or Conservative (UNP) Traits
We also have something called "Cognitive Dissonance"
So it is very easy to manipulate us and make us think that a person with a different ideological view is our enemy.
The only way we can protect our selves is to understand who we are and actively listen to opposing points of view.
Realize that they are NOT our enemy but a fellow human being with a different point of view.
Being mindful of who you are and being mindful of how we are being manipulated is the only way you can protect Mother Lanka.
Just now the world is experiencing major income disparities.
According to Oxfam by 2016 just a few individuals will have the same wealth as the rest of the world combined.
So this is NOT the time to embrace a Conservative (UNP) Ideology of
- Small Government
- Low taxes
- Privatization
This is the time to Protect the great public policies we already have and in fact work together to make them stronger
Please look beyond the next few years ...
We need to leave a Society / Country where they can thrive.
Not one where
- We Loose our Free Education
- Loose Free access to Good Health Care
- Where a minority of rich and powerful folks get to create Public Policies that are detrimental to the Majority of people
- And we loose the country to divisive groups
Please please please THINK before you ACT